Case Caption: In Re: Jerry A. Hailey, Jr.Case Number: S. Ct. Civ. No. 2020-0018Date: 08/19/2020Author: Hodge, Rhys S. Citation: 2020 VI 14Summary: A writ of mandamus to compel a Superior Court judge to vacate a March 29, 2019 order staying proceedings pursuant to the Uniform Enforcement of Foreign Judgments Act, 5 V.I.C. § 551 et seq., is denied. The underlying proceedings seek to domesticate and enforce North Carolina judgments totaling over $ 211,000 in damages and attorneys’ fees on a claim that the respondents sued the petitioner in a Virgin Islands small claims proceeding and obtained a default judgment against him. Since the North Carolina judgments impose civil liability on the respondents solely for filing a successful lawsuit against the petitioner, those judgments are void ab initio as violative of the Petition Clause of the First Amendment. Because the Superior Court lacks jurisdiction to enforce void judgments, petitioner does not have a clear and indisputable right to a writ lifting the stay of proceedings and ordering that the void judgments be enforced in the Virgin Islands. Accordingly, the mandamus petition is denied.Attachment: Open Document or Opinion