Calendar Type: Oral Arguments

Date: 03/12/2024


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Summary: Steven D. Payne, Sr. and Noellise Powell vs. 3th Legislature of the V.I. and Senator Novelle E. Francis, Jr.; SCT-CIV- 2023-0126

1. Payne, Sr. et al vs. Legislature of the VI et al Appellant's Brief filed on 01/31/2024
2. Payne, Sr. et al vs. Legislature of the VI et al Joint Appendix Part 1 filed on 01/31/2024
3. Payne, Sr. et al vs. Legislature of the VI et al Joint Appendix Part 2 filed on 01/31/2024
4. Payne, Sr. et al vs. Legislature of the VI et al Appellee's Brief filed on 02/14/2024

Albert Bryan Jr., in his official capacity, and Government of the Virgin Islands vs. Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority (WAPA); SCT-CIV-2023-0014

1.  Bryan Jr. et al vs. Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority Appellant's Brief filed on 06/26/2023
2.  Bryan Jr. et al vs. Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority Joint Appendix filed on 06/26/2023
3.  Bryan Jr. et al vs. Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority Appellee's Brief filed on 09/18/2023
4.  Bryan Jr. et al vs. Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority Amicus Curiae Brief filed on 01/22/2023
5.  Bryan Jr. et al vs. Virgin Islands Water and Power Authority Appellant's Reply Brief filed on 02/05/2024

The following case will be considered without Oral Arguments:

Tarah S. Malek vs. Anthony W. Romano; SCT-CIV-2023-0039

1. Malek v. Romano Appellant's Brief filed on 10/24/2023
2. Malek v. Romano Joint Appendix Part 1 filed on 10/24/2023
3. Malek v. Romano Joint Appendix Part 2 filed on 10/24/2023
4. Malek v. Romano Joint Appendix Part 3 filed on 10/24/2023
5. Malek v. Romano Joint Appendix Part 4 filed on 10/24/2023
6. Malek v. Romano Joint Appendix Part 5 filed on 10/24/2023
7. Malek v. Romano Joint Appendix Part 6 filed on 10/24/2023
8. Malek v. Romano Appellee's Brief  filed on 11/03/2023
9. Malek v. Romano Appellant's Reply Brief filed on 11/08/2023