Case Caption: Euphita O. Hackett v. Harriett L. SassoCase Number: SCT-CIV-2020-0029Date: 05/06/2024Author: Cabret, Maria M. Citation: 2024 VI 25Summary: When exercising its equitable authority, the Superior Court has the power to fashion any remedy deemed necessary and appropriate to do justice in a particular case. In the instant case, the court was instructed to “do equity” as it pertained to the plots of land in volved here, and the parties. These instructions, coupled with its broad equitable authority, allowed the Superior Court to fashion almost any remedy it deemed appropriate to achieve justice. In the instant case, the Superior Court remained within the scope of the instructions in the Appellate Division’s mandate by clarifying that the subject property, Plot 5-U, was the disputed property and determining that a reimbursement for property taxes paid by the appellee would achieve the most equitable result. Because the Superior Court weighed the interests, actions, and equities of both parties to reach a fair result, it did not abuse its discretion in awarding appellee an equitable reimbursement for the property taxes paid. Therefore, the Superior Court’s April 8, 2020 amended judgment order is affirmed.Attachment: Open Document or Opinion